FRM’s investigation team has been involved in thousands of high level complex investigations on an international basis. Whether researching a hedge fund manager, a joint venture business partner, or tracing assets for recovery purposes, FRM has the resources to meet your needs for international investigations spanning multiple continents.
Our Expertise
Through an international network of researchers that FRM’s research team has worked with for many years, we deploy human assets at the local level to perform person research combined with our internal researchers culling information available through database and off-line sources accessible only through in person access. FRM duplicates the scope of research we perform in the United States as nearly as possible in the international arena given the particular country’s record keeping systems, privacy laws, and general availability of information.
In regions with weak contract laws and rife with political corruption, FRM will in many cases deploy researchers that have former law enforcement, military intelligence, or diplomatic background to gather information as the key to such investigations is often the result of making discreet inquiries as to the information that may be publicly available through checks of records.
FRM’s rates in the international environment are competitive with that of other research providers while the timeliness of our reporting and quality of information often exceeds that of our industry peers.